Friday, 8 November 2013

Week 6 - Review Meetings

It's week 6! How time flies! This week the team got stuck in helping build and test Fergus's new and improved Camera Obscura. There are now 4 projectors in a big box machine, which he's been taking out on the streets of Torry as part of the Creative Communities programme.Click the link for more info and to see some of Fergus's work so far.

It goes in this way.

No wait, is it this way?
Actually I think it might be this way...

1, 2, 3, 4 projectors fit inside.

Then add a cover to make it dark.
Then look inside and draw the magic!

Apart from having a bit of fun, all this helping Fergus to prep. for the Creative Communities events is intended to be volunteer experience for the team. The SQA Award in Volunteer Skills, which they are all working towards, then sets tasks and questions directing them to reflect on their learning and skills-building through volunteer work.

Later, after a bit of assisting Fergus, each group member went through all their assessment notes from the course so far, to check it was all completed.

Mandy and Kelly, the Community Arts Officers behind the Cultivate Training Programme, came to do 1-to-1's with each group member, to check they're all on track and enjoying themselves. Meanwhile, Fergus was teaching Liz how to do tricks on the computer.

And, because we like to think outside the box and avoid paperwork where we can, they then set up a Big Brother-style "Diary Room," where contestants answered a series of questions about the programme and their experiences, which will all be added to the evaluation for the course so it runs even better in the future.

Our chair isn't quite as slick as the real BB chair. In fact, it's pretty much the opposite!

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